Hastings Civic Centre Services
The Hastings Civic Centre is located at 6 Albert Street, East, Hastings ON, (top of the hill). As the heart of Hastings, our Civic Centre is home to a number of local community services. The Centre has a general meeting area on the lower floor, which can accommodate large groups. It has kitchen and washroom facilities, as well as wheelchair access. The facility is owned and operated by the Municipality of Trent Hills and has a generous parking space. Four main tenants are located on the main floor – Community Care Hospice (Trent Hills), Northumberland Early Years Program, Hastings Branch Library and an Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Satelite office. For information on booking events, please contact the Municipal Administration Office at 705-653-1900.
Community Care Northumberland
A non-profit branch office of Community Care Northumberland located at 6 Albert Street East in the Hastings Civic Centre. It is a non-profit organization which offers various support services to clients, who include general public, seniors and disabled citizens. To become a client you may contact the organization yourself or be referred by family, friends, physicians, or other community agencies. Some fees may apply.
Contact Andrea Dunkley @ 705 696-3891 to register for services, talk about programs or volunteer. hastings@commcare.ca
- Transportation
- Meals on Wheels
- Community Diners – First Thursday of the month, 12 Noon. Cost $10. Everyone welcome!
- Care Giver Support and Respite Services
- Friendly Visiting & Library Lending Program
- Home Help and Home Maintenance
- Knitting Club – Thursday 1-3 PM
- Line Dancing – Cost $4 Wed 10:00 am)
- Telephone Security Checks
- Hospice Programs and Services
- Yoga – Wednesday 2 PM. Cost $4.00.
Hastings Branch Library
Civic Centre, 6 Albert St. East, Hastings
Jennifer Madden, Supervisor 705 696-2111
6 Albert Street, East, Hastings ON
All families or caregivers with children (0-6 yrs of age) are invited to visit the Centre at any time and participate in the programs.
Hours of operation are:
Monday to Thursday: 8:30 am – 1:30 pm
Friday: 8:30 am – 11:30 am