Festivals & Events
Hastings is a hub of activity throughout the year! Our Legion hosts numerous events and offers a number of ways to socialize (and volunteer). Our churches offer seasonal strawberry suppers & pancake breakfasts plus book sales & rummage sales! The Friends of the Library host book sales and author’s nights throughout the summer and it’s not unusual to find a house concert across the river. Visit here often to see changes to events and additions to our annual line up. Our community calendar is also a great tool for finding out what’s happening in the Village!
APR 18 AT 6 PM – APR 24 AT 5 PM
Earth Week Community Clean-up
Join dedicated volunteers to help clean up our village after a winter of litter.
Midnight Madness Fishing Contest – CANCELLED DUE TO COVID.
Victoria Day Long Weekend – Friday Night at midnight
Fishing season begins every year on the 24th of May long weekend. The Hastings Historical Society celebrates the start of the season with a fishing contest for all age groups. Meet on the north side of the bridge in front of The Water Lily, 8 Bridge St. North, at midnight when the fishing begins. There will be a draw at 12:30 (for individuals 18 years of age and over) for a variety of prizes donated by local businesses. Tickets will be sold at several local businesses, at the Hastings Historical Society monthly presentations, and at the event..
For more information on fishing regulations please visit http://files.ontario.ca/environment-and-energy/fishing/mnr_e001336.pdf
NOTE: Fishing in Hastings begins later than the rest of Zone 17 as we are located in the middle of a large spawning bed/route. Please respect our shoreline and the waterway by obeying all fishing and boating regulations and laws.
Dungeons and Dragons Festival
June 25th and 26th
100 Dunlay Road, Hasting
For more information and to purchase tickets visit www.bladesofglory.ca

Canada Day Celebrations
Celebrations will kick off with live music, local vendors, a bouncy castle and games for children, music on stage, and a Beverage Pavilion, beginning at 1:00 pm. all on the north side of the bridge. A Parade along Front Street starts at 4:00 pm, followed by the always anticipated Fireworks along the water at dusk.

Hastings Waterfront Festival
Unfortunately this year’s Waterfront Festival has been cancelled due to the lack of volunteers needed to plan, organize and run this event.
Crooks Rapids Country Fest
45 Pickens Road, Hastings
September 2nd and 3rd, 2022

Medieval Festival
September 3 to 5th – 100 Dunlay Road, Hastings
Join Montse and Harry as they bring Hastings back to a time of regal queens and brave knights! Participate in jousting and axe throwing, see real life dragons, and eat like a king at this two day event.
For more information for guests and vendors email at: info@bladesofglory.ca
Rice Lake Charity Run
3rd Saturday in September
This event takes place every year in Mid-September and sees amazing boats arrive, from Rice Lake, in Hastings around noon. Participants dock their boats on the north shore (behind the Hasty Market) and have lunch in the village. Residents and visitors are encouraged to watch the boats arrive, take photos & videos and dream big as the boats depart at 2pm. All money raised from this poker run goes to benefiting the Children’s Wish Foundation.
Photo courtesy Performance Boat Club

Christmasfest will be at a new location this year. Come join us in the little park beside The General for all the fun, including a visit from the Grinch!

The Village of Hastings' Community Calendar
Displays a full list of current and upcoming events, large and small.