Community Groups & Services

The Village of Hastings is home to a wide variety of local community clubs, groups, and organizations.

These groups are dynamic and bring vitality to our Village.

Angel Tree (in conjunction with the food bank)
Monetary and gift donations accepted late November until mid December
1st Hastings Scout Group
Contact MJ Stevenson at 705 696 2296
Bowling Leagues
Leagues operate September to April
Youth Leagues, All Ladies, All Men’s and Mixed Leagues
Dodd’s Bowling Lanes
19 Front St. E.
Kim Messacar, 705 696-2272
Circle of Friends
Activities for ladies of all ages who want to celebrate life
Contact Loraine Wilson at 705 696-3774
Community Diners

First Thursday of the month – 12:00 pm. Cost $10.00. Everyone welcome! Call Andrea to register and receive more info. 705 696-3891

Community Care Northumberland

Contact Andrea at 705 696-3891 to register for services, talk about programs, or volunteer.

UPDATE: Trent Hills Transit New Schedule Launch

June 7, 2019 (Trent Hills)

Community Care Northumberland (CCN) in partnership with the Municipality of Trent Hills will be launching their updated transit schedule on Monday June 10th in response to community feedback.  The service has been adjusted to start from the town of Warkworth at 9:10am in front of the Library.

As the Trent Hills Transit continues the schedule will be modified as we learn about needs that might not have been included with the original schedule.  The updated schedule has added more stops throughout Campbellford that includes residential stops and additional loops around the town so residents may travel within Campbellford as well as to and from.

Please see attached schedule for further route information on specific stops.

In order to give residents an opportunity to try out our new transit we are offering a promotion of one free return trip to anyone wishing to ride and see the advantages of the service first hand.  In order to access your free trip, please call our scheduling office at 1-866-768-7778. 


“We appreciate the support and feedback received so far for this new initiative”, stated Anne Newman, Regional Transportation Coordinator.  “The municipality has been a great partner and as we progress you will see bus stops around town that match our schedule. We will continue to provide both rural and accessible services throughout the County.  Rides for these options are still pre-booked by calling the scheduling office the day prior to your trip,” added Newman.

For more information about the new Trent Hills Transit or Community Care Northumberland’s other transportation please visit us online at

Trent Hills Transit Route


EarlyOn Hastings (YMCA Northumberland)

Civic Centre, 6 Albert St. East, Hastings Monday to Thursday: 8:30 am – 1:30 pm Friday: 8:30 am – 11:30 am

Free Community Lunches

2nd Friday of each month, Sep to May, 11:30 to 1pm Hastings Civic Centre

Friends of the Library

Email Marg Santon for meeting dates and more information

Genealogical Group
Third Wednesday of the month
7:00 pm – 8:30 pm in the library
Contact Shirley Coughlan
705 696-2111
Hastings Collective Kitchen

Meets the 1st Thursday of each month, 10 am – 12:30 pm, at the Civic Centre. It’s free and everyone is welcome (must register in advance) For info or to register call Patricia at 866-888-4577, ext. 1325

Hastings Community Policing
Contact Laura Vickers (705) 924-2024
Hastings Canada Day Parade Committee
Steve Roddy, chair
Hastings Fireworks Committee
Contact John Austin at
Hastings Field House
97 Elgin Street
(705) 696-2252
Hastings Revitalization Association
Meet 2nd Thursday of the month 7pm at the Hastings Civic Centre
Hastings Historical Society
First Wednesday of the month – 7:00 pm
 at Hastings Civic Centre
Myrna Brown, President
Hastings/Roseneath Food Bank

3 Albert Street (United Church basement)

The Hastings Roseneath Food Bank provides an extra box of groceries to over 44 local families each month. Please reach out to us if we can help.

Phone: 705 761 9769


Tuesday 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm

Wednesday 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Note: Closed last week of the month

We’re always in need of volunteers to help sort and distribute donations, attend events and raise funds. Please call or send us an email. 


Visit for more info

Hastings Seniors
Monday: Euchre starts 12:30 pm – 3:30 pm
Tuesday: Bid Euchre starts 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Euchre or Bid Euchre Tournaments starts at 1:00 pm (usually on the last Saturday of the month)
Hastings Civic Centre
Hastings Soccer Club
Hastings TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly)
Trinity United Church basement
3 Albert St. W.
Wednesday: Weigh-in 5:15 pm to 6:15 pm
Meeting to follow at 6:30 pm.
Contact Kathy Irvine at 705 696-3359
Hastings Village Market
Post Office Parking Lot
Saturday 8:00 am – 1:00 pm
May to October
Call Theo VanWill (705) 696-2027
Hastings Waterfront Festival
3rd weekend in August
Mike Metcalf, chair
Knitting Club
Civic Centre, 6 Albert St. East, Hastings
Thursday 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Contact Sarah McKeown at 705 696-3891
Line Dancing Classes

Civic Centre, 6 Albert St. East, Hastings Wednesday 10:00 am. Cost $4.00 Contact Andrea Dunkley at 705 696-3891

Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Roman Catholic Church
43 Albert St. East
705 696-2254
Sunday 11:00 am
Royal Canadian Legion, Hastings Branch 106
10 Front St. West, Hastings
Monday to Thursday:12:00 noon – 11:00 pm
Friday: 12:00 noon – 1:00 am
Saturday: 12:00 noon – 7:00 pm
Sunday: 12:00 noon – 6:00 pm
Vicky Seeney, Branch Manager: 705 696-2363
Bob Crate, President: 705 761-2278
St. George’s Anglican Church
38 Bridge St. South
705 696-3964
Sunday 11:00 am
Trent Hills Public Library, Hastings Branch
Civic Centre, 6 Albert St. East, Hastings
Shirley Coughlan, Supervisor
705 696-2111
Trinity United Church
3 Albert St. West
705 696-2525
Sunday 9:15 am
Civic Centre, 6 Albert St. East, Hastings
Wednesday 2:00 pm. Cost $4.00.
Contact Sarah McKeown at 705 696-3891
Bloom Celebration Hastings Ontario 2017